refinish this mouthpiece, overtime it wore thru some areas and now is pitted in those areas. new plating will protect and make this mouthpiece look like new. before: after:
refinish this mouthpiece, overtime it wore thru some areas and now is pitted in those areas. new plating will protect and make this mouthpiece look like new. before: after:
This alto needed a good cleaning, refit the keys, new corks & felts, a few pads and adjustments. before: after:
COA of this oboe, it needed a few pads, refit the keys, new corks & felts and adjustments. before: after:
COA on the English Horn, clean the body, a few new pads, refit the keys, new cork & felts and adjustments. before: after:
Restoration of this bassoon, it had been stored in a very damp environment. It needed all new pads, the keys replated, new corks & felts, keys refit and adjustments. before:…Read More
Recondition of this flute, all new pads, new corks & felts and adjustments. before: after:
Repaired a large scrap across the bottom bow and touch up some of the worn plating, in addition to some minor adjustments adn pad work. before: after: